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Welcome to Ladov Broadcasting Network! Our mission is to bring the Word of God to the ends of the earth by connecting people to His message.

Ladov Broadcasting Network is looking for pastors to share their stories, spiritual guidance, and the power of God's love with people everywhere.

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The Whole World Needs Love

You were born to be blessed! You want to release God's promises in the lives of those you love. Win the world with love! Jesus died for the believer and unbeliever at the cross. When we see the lost in the same light as He did, we will love the lost just as He did and win them to Him.

"1 Corinthians 13.1 ... though I speak with the tongues of men, but have not love, I have become a sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. Love never fails."

The whole world is looking for love all the time wherever they go. I know I was empty and did not feel loved until that beautiful day I became "born again."

Love Never Fails!

Pastor Joan

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His Love never fails

My dream is to be able to provide a platform  for Justice Impacted individuals and their families to become self-sufficient and confident toward chasing their vision of success.


Have Hope

Hope, Help & Healing aims to provide hope to the hopeless and helping those who are willing to seek GOD for the answers to life's problems.  HH&H is based on Christian biblical teaching and provides a sober living environment for all. 

Robert Shea, Sr.

Robert and his Bible Bike Club compete in Long Distance national bike competitions.

Fertile Ground helps HIV and

dysfunctional families. They love having their own Bibles.

"The Bible has inspired me to be a better person and to believe.  Jesus Christi is my Lord and Savior and in Him I Trust"



Home Contact


Ladov Broadcasting Network

P.O. Box 900

Rocklin, CA 95677


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Established in 1988, Ladov Broadcasting Network is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with the mission to bring the word of God to the ends of the earth.

Ladov Broadcasting and the Ladov Broadcasting logo are trademarks of Ladov Broadcasting Network. Copyright © 2022.

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